Monday, March 12, 2018

No Dudéis; No Temáis

WOW WOW WOW.  Samantha's baptism yesterday was INCREDIBLE! during our lesson with her this week we asked her if there was anything she wanted to change to her program before we made and printed it. She decided she wanted to change the closing hymn to a hymn she heard at Stake conference last week that just won't get out of her head......CALLED TO SERVE. So we sang Called to Serve for her baptism! I loved it! Could she be more perfect?

Brother Boyd, my favorite member in the branch, came up to us when we were setting everything up and told me something that brought me to tears. He said that in Elders' Quorum they were talking about divine design....and he asked Daniel (Samantha's boyfriend who is 19 and wasn't planning on serving) if Samantha's conversion and her getting baptized was done by divine design....he said he then asked if it changes anything about him serving a mission and he said he thinks it does. What a miracle. It's been so neat to see Daniel's part in this whole process and watch him grow just as much as Samantha has grown. He pretty much taught her all of the lessons before we did...he made our job easy! I truly believe that his role as a member missionary is what will get him out on his mission and he is going to change so many lives. I just can't wait. Sister Loranger came up from Hemet to do the Restoration presentation which was really nice because she was also baptized when she was 18 and her family was not supportive....she told us that Samantha told her she is considering going on a mission! If these two go out on missions that would mean everything. Nothing could possible ring me greater joy.

I think my favorite part of the whole baptism was actually right after it happened. She got out of the water and I BOLTED. (with my companion in tow of course) I ran to the bathroom and told her to come out of the stall before she got dressed and she was in tears. We embraced, both in tears, as we soaked in what this all meant for her. This has been a long journey for her....the trials never ceased. Even Sunday morning her and her dad got in another argument..but it never stopped her. She never doubted. She never feared. All she wanted was to enter into a covenant with her Heavenly Father and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Oh how I love that girl, and I am excited to anhelosamente look forward to going to the temple with her this transfer. That's actually what she chose for her program cover....a picture of the temple. Good things will happen here in Anza/Idyllwild with Sister Bryant this transfer. We are ready  and pumped for round two!

Hermana Tonini

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