Monday, April 30, 2018


It's been a great first week with Sister Davies!! I love that girl so much, it's going to be a good last two transfers with her up here in Anza.

Our recent convert lesson with Samantha was INCREDIBLE. We had given Brother Boyd a list of the things that still needed to be taught so he just straight up asked Samantha which one she wanted hear. You want to know what she chose? Missionary work. Precious. It was really cool because the Boyds are both converts and so they shared their conversion story. Brother Boyd asked me why I am out on a mission. After I responded, he turned to Daniel and said, "Now why aren't YOU on a mission?"

So good.

So we talked about that for awhile. But then they asked them for Samantha's conversion story and Daniel told it from his side....AND HE STARTED CRYING. I have been in COUNTLESS lessons with that guy and I have never seen him cry. Ever. It was such a tender moment. And then Samantha cried when she told her side. It was just so so so good.

Speaking of Samantha, WE WENT TO THE TEMPLE!!! I have never seen someone so excited to go to the temple before. It was so neat to be sitting on the bench with Sis Bryant as tears rolled down our faces watching someone we care SO much about doing temple work. I can't wait to be back in the temple with Samantha in a year!

ALSO, ANOTHER MIRACLE. So we have been trying to stop by this less-active EVERY WEEK for almost all of last transfer. He's super duper nice, but was always busy at the time he told us to stop by. Even too busy for a two minute video, which was one of our tactics. I was determined to get in with him. On Wednesday though, we finally did it!! Poor Sister Davies, I was so flipping excited when he said he'd meet us around the side of the house...I walked over there like floating on cloud nine. Persistence had PAID OFF.

We also found a new investigator this week which was another miracle because I think it had been a couple of weeks without finding anyone...

AND THEN WE FOUND ANOTHER INVESTIGATOR. SO MANY MIRACLES. His name is Hector and he SPEAKS SPANISH. He seems super solid and we are really excited to start working with him!

Hermana Tonini

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